Multi Snapshot Reviews

If you are using Widgetbook Cloud Review, you can now create multiple snapshots for a single use-case. This feature is useful if you want to test different states of your use-case using different addons or knobs configurations, instead of just using the default configurations.

Multi Snapshot for Addons

  1. Go to the main file of your app, where your Widgetbook's @App annotation is defined.

  2. Choose the addons you like to test and include them, e.g. Themes and Languages. Here are the available AddonConfig classes:

    • LocalizationAddonConfig
    • ThemeAddonConfig
    • AlignmentAddonConfig
    • TextScaleAddonConfig
    • ZoomAddonConfig
  3. Add the configurations matrix to the cloudAddonsConfigs parameter of the @App annotation. In this example, we’d like to test German in dark mode but English in light mode.

      cloudAddonsConfigs: {
        'German Dark': [
        'English Light': [
    class WidgetbookApp extends StatelessWidget {
      const WidgetbookApp({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Widgetbook.material(...);

Multi Snapshot for Custom Addons

If you have a custom addon you can create a custom AddonConfig class and use it in the @App annotation. Assuming your addon looks as follows, then you will need three values for your configuration:

  1. Addon Name: Border
  2. Fields Names: [width]
  3. Config Values: [0.5]
class BorderAddon extends WidgetbookAddon<double> {
    this.initialWidth = 0.0,
  }) : super(
          name: 'Border', // 1. Addon Name

  final double initialWidth;

  List<Field> get fields => [
          name: 'width', // 2. Field Name
          initialValue: initialWidth,

  // ...

Then you create a custom AddonConfig class:

import 'package:widgetbook_annotation/widgetbook_annotation.dart';

class BorderAddonConfig extends AddonConfig {
  const BorderAddonConfig(
    double width,
  ) : super(
          'border', // 1. Addon Name in kebab-case
          // If you have more than one value, you can separate them with commas
          // like this: 'width:$width,color:$color',
          'width:$width', // 2. Fields Names and 3. Config Values

Finally, you can use the custom AddonConfig in the @App annotation:

  cloudAddonsConfigs: {
    'Border 1': [
    'Border 2': [
class WidgetbookApp extends StatelessWidget { ... }

Multi Snapshot for Knobs

Currently only the addons configuration is supported. Configuring knobs will be available soon using the @UseCase annotation, without the need to create multiple use-cases.

Until the first-class support is available, we suggest splitting your variants in different use-cases instead of using knobs as follows:

@UseCase(name: 'Default', type: Button)
Widget buttonUseCase(BuildContext context) {
  return Button(
    type: context.knobs.list(
      label: 'Type',
      options: [ButtonType.primary, ButtonType.secondary]
@UseCase(name: 'Primary', type: Button)
Widget primaryButtonUseCase(BuildContext context) {
  return Button(
    type: ButtonType.primary,

@UseCase(name: 'Secondary', type: Button)
Widget secondaryButtonUseCase(BuildContext context) {
  return Button(
    type: ButtonType.secondary,