Widgetbook Cloud is a review platform that simplifies UI reviews among designers, developers, product managers, and QA testers.
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The Problem
Designer / Developer collaboration: Designers often don't review the implemented UI before release, leading to inconsistencies and poor user experience. Current UI reviews are unstructured, causing misunderstandings and design inconsistencies.
No automated Golden Testing: Detecting UI changes is difficult without automated tests. Golden Tests can help but are often flaky and time-consuming to write manually.
No Figma integration: Designers struggle to compare Flutter implementations with their original Figma designs without integration.
Cumbersome hosting setup: Self-hosting Widgetbook requires setup and maintenance, usually allowing only one branch or the latest commit to be hosted.
The Solution: Widgetbook Cloud
Widgetbook Cloud addresses these challenges by offering a structured review platform for the entire product team.
Managed Hosting: Follow 4 simple steps to host your Widgetbook on Widgetbook Cloud.
Host one Widgetbook per commit: Share one Widgetbook for every commit with your entire team.
Design Reviews: Designers can easily review every UI change in your PR before merging it.
UI Regression Detection: Automatically detect UI regressions (via Golden Tests) by comparing builds across different branches or commits.
Figma integration: Connect your Flutter widgets to their corresponding Figma designs to verify design requirements.