
Localization Addon

The Localization Addon in Widgetbook lets developers preview how widgets behave under different localization settings. This becomes essential when developing applications for a global audience, accommodating differences in language, text direction, and regional conventions.

English localeArabic locale
English locale with left to right layout
Arabic locale with right to left layout


Here's how to configure it:

Step 1:#

Define Locales The first step in setting up the Localization Addon is to specify the Locale you want to support. In our case, we have chosen to use 'en-US' (English - United States).

const Locale('en', 'US'),

If your application supports more locales, you can add more Locale objects to the list.

Step 2:#

Next, you will need to define the LocalizationDelegates that are available. These delegates are used to fetch locale-specific strings and other values.

localizationsDelegates: [

In this example, we have used two localization delegates provided by Flutter - DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate and DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate.

Step 3:#

The final step is to construct the Localization Addon using the LocalizationAddon class. This class takes in the locales and localizationsDelegates you specified earlier.

    locales: [
        const Locale('en', 'US'),
    localizationsDelegates: [
    initialLocale: const Locale('en', 'US')

Optional: the initialLocale is optional is always read the first value of locales if it is not defined.

This setup lets you preview widgets as they appear with the 'en-US' locale. The Localization Addon is an excellent tool for ensuring that your application provides an appropriate user experience across various locales.