

Root Widget#

All use-cases are wrapped in an root widget (i.e. an App widget) to provide a context for the use-cases to render in.

└── Addon 1
  └── Addon 2
    └── UseCaseRenderer
      └── UseCase
        └── Widget

Here are the available constructors for the root widgets:

ConstructorRoot Widget
WidgetbookCustom Widget

You can use a custom root widget by providing an appBuilder function to the Widgetbook constructor. This is helpful if you need to wrap your app widget (i.e. MaterialApp, CupertinoApp) with a custom widget.

If you want to wrap your use-case in a custom widget, you can also use the Addons API, which provides some more flexibility.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Widgetbook(
    // ...
    appBuilder: (context, child) {
      return AwesomePackage(
        child: MaterialApp(
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
          home: child,

Use-cases Navigation Path#

By default, use-cases has a navigation path in Widgetbook that is based on where their component file is located. There are multiple ways to customize the navigation path either globally or locally.

The component name (e.g. Button) and the use-case name (e.g. Primary) are concatenated at the end of the path.

[ Nav Path ] / [ Component Name ] / [ Use-case Name ]

Using nav_path_mode option#

You can globally change the behavior of the navigation path generation for all use-cases by providing a nav_path_mode option in build.yaml as follows:

Option ValueNavigation Path Based on
component (default)The component (i.e. Widget) file.
use-caseThe use-case file (i.e. where the @UseCase annotation is used)
          nav_path_mode: use-case

Using @UseCase.path parameter#

To provide a custom navigation path for a single use-case, you can use the path parameter in the @UseCase annotation.

import 'package:your_app/widgets/button.dart';

// Navigation path: `widgets/Button/Primary`
  name: 'Primary',
  type: Button
Widget buildPrimaryButton() {
  return Button();

If you wrap a folder name in square brackets, it will be treated as a category in the navigation path.

import 'package:your_app/components/button.dart';

// Navigation path: `[Interactions]/buttons/Button/Primary`
  name: 'Primary',
  type: Button,
  path: '[Interactions]/buttons',
Widget buildPrimaryButton() {
  return Button();

Initial Route#

Initial routes can be used to pick the home page that is used on first launch by providing a initialRoute parameter to the Widgetbook constructor.

To easily get the exact route for a use-case, run your Widgetbook project on web, and copy the value of the URL, then paste it as the value of the initialRoute parameter.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Widgetbook(
    initialRoute: '?path=introduction/home-use-case',
    // ...