Widgetbook Quick Contribution Guide

Ways to Contribute

  1. Develop new features.
  2. Fix bugs.
  3. Improve test coverage.
  4. Enhance documentation.
  5. Provide examples.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Widgetbook repository.

  2. Clone your fork: git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/widgetbook.git

  3. Install Melos: dart pub global activate melos

  4. Bootstrap the repository:

    cd widgetbook
    flutter pub get
    melos bootstrap
    melos generate

Contribution Workflow

  1. Synchronize your fork with the main repo.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b your-branch-name
  3. Implement and test your changes.
  4. Format code: dart fmt -w .
  5. Analyze code: dart analyzer --fatal-infos --fatal-warnings .
  6. Commit your changes with a meaningful message.
  7. Update or add documentation as needed.
  8. Ensure all tests pass: flutter test
  9. Sign the CLA.
  10. Submit a PR to the main repository.

PR Title Conventions

  • Follow conventional commits.

  • Use types like feat, fix, and docs.

  • Include scopes such as cli or annotation.

    Example: feat(cli): add new CLI command

Code Reviews & Community

  1. Be patient during the PR review phase.
  2. For examples, place in the examples directory and add necessary CI checks.
  3. Join the Widgetbook community on Discord.


  • All contributions will be under Widgetbook's MIT license.

Remember, while this guide provides a quick overview, always refer to the detailed contribution guidelines when in doubt. Happy coding! 🌟